The usual dose of nystatin for adults, babies and children is: have tuberculosis (TB) of the skin – you may not be able to use the cream or ointment.cannot digest some sugars – the liquid has a small amount of sucrose in it.have ever had an allergic reaction to nystatin or any other medicine, including any ingredients in the cream or ointment.To make sure it's safe for you, tell a pharmacist or doctor if you: Nystatin is not suitable for some people. Who may not be able to take or use nystatin Most adults and children, including babies, can take nystatin liquid or use nystatin cream and ointments. Brand names for creams and ointments containing nystatin include Trimovate, Timodine, Nystaform and Nystaform HC.
It also comes mixed with steroids, antiseptics or antibacterials as a cream or ointment. It comes as a liquid (suspension) that you swirl around your mouth and then swallow. Nystatin is only available on prescription. It can also be used to stop you getting an infection. Nystatin kills the fungus and gets rid of the infection. It's used to treat or prevent infections caused by a fungus or yeast.